He Gave His Life (Christian poetry)


He gave His life for you

He thought you worthy enough to die for

He suffered and died for you

He rose and bought you

He advocated for you

He is seated at the right hand of the Father

He defends you

His blood covers you

He died for your soul

So you can be made whole

He deserves your best

Let Him lead you to eternal rest

You will not find peace in anything until you let Him in

For He stands at the door and knocks

Look at the clock, it won’t stop

So Stop the worry and the doubt

You cannot try and reason this

It just is so, He loves you so

You cannot try and understand Him In your head

The one who was and is to come, the Alpha and Omega

The one who placed more than a billion stars in the skies

Open your spiritual eyes

Who are you to question Jehovah Elohim?

You have to trust and believe

In your heart

Let your heart sing a hymn

And you will never be apart from His love

Because He gave His life

To end your internal strife

Author: lovablewarriorking

Author of Chasing Joy(Published in 2019). Educator Christian Love Poetry Deep in thought most of the time.

8 thoughts on “He Gave His Life (Christian poetry)”

  1. I really like this poem, it brings me hope and home to how I truly feel. I hear a lot around the church that none of us are worthy, and I am not the healhiest in the self-esteem area so it tends to bring me down, your thoughtful words saying we are worthy helps lift me up and confirm that to be my truth. Thank you.

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